Tuesday, 7 April 2009


hi s
how are you today? how was your wedding dress, i forgot to ask, does it fit?
i heard off some comedy magazine (its about comedians not just a funny magazine) today looking for cartoons so i'm going to have a go at that... i'd never heard of them before so they are sending me a few issues so i can have a look. they are called 'the fix' ever heard of them? (or your brother?). they are from london.

i am very bored at work today. grrrrr. it is annoying me at the moment, i want to leave really but i cant afford it. not till the recession is over anyhow. i wouldnt want to have to get another crappy job.


EliandMe said...

Hello, I am not trying my dress on til tomorrow morning so don't know if it fits yet!

My job is driving me mad today but I suppose we should be grateful we have jobs at all really. Doesn't mean we can't moan though.

Right, my Church booklet thingy, I want you to copy some of those illustrations then I can scan them in and fit them around the words like a border if that makes sense?

Where are you off out to this weekend, anywhere exciting?

rob jackson said...

that makes sense for the church booklet thingy. i will do some of that over the weekend then. not going anywhere interesting at weekend, just going out in town i think. dont know which night yet. if you still want to come round i should be free so just let me know which day you want to come.

which animals do you like best for on the borders? i was going to do some butterflies, they are easy to draw. any other preferences?

EliandMe said...

Butterflies are good. Birds are nice too, and you are very good at birds. Other than that whatever is easy to draw.

Yeah I'll pop round at some point over the weekend then, just let me know what night you are going out and I'll try to avoid the next day.

Also, I assume you and Will are coming to the wedding? You haven't rsvped. And neither has Martin. Can you ask him if he is deffo coming so I can add him to my deffo coming list.

I have just been and tried on my dress. It is very princessy.

rob jackson said...

i keep forgetting to rsvp, i'll try and rememeber to do it tonight, and i'll check with martin.

i think i am going out thursday night for a bit and then saturday. so saturday and monday are best. i will be fine by the afternoons on the other days though.

princessy is good. it is a wedding after all

rob jackson said...

checked with martin, so him me and will all definately coming. i'll try and rsvp tonight, your website doesnt work here at work.

EliandMe said...

Cheers hun, you don't need to rsvp via the website as well, as long as I know you are all coming I can add you to the list.

rob jackson said...

cool. i am very looking forward to a nice 4 day weekend now... only one more day of boredom

EliandMe said...

I am looking forward to it but Mickey is working Friday, Sunday and Monday so by Tuesday I will be desperate to come back to work because Eli is very tiring.

rob jackson said...

poor mickey, that is very harsh on him. hopefully it will be sunny so eli can run round outside.

rob jackson said...

i went out thursday and then am going out sunday night i think but not for too long, so sunday or monday are good days to come round if you like....