Monday 30 March 2009


hi s
how are you? i had a good time in london but now i am knackered and back in work, i have blisters and my legs are all done in, and my back hurts and i have a terrible liver. i am not going to drink for a few days to recover. i had 10 hours sleep last night which i needed no end.
sadly didn't sell much at the thing, only 8 comics and 2 trades. didnt manage to sell any copies of bog wizards 2! why is that? i dont really understands it. no one south of watford has ever heard of me...
i was talking to lots of people especially francesca and then i went to the pub and had 3 pints of stella on a totally empty stomach and then i got interviewd for some fancy london pod cast radio station. sadly i was drunk and dont know if i make any sense at all... i wont be able to listen to it anyhow as i hate the sound of my own voice on recordings. i sound like a fool. i bet i just babbled on about stuff...
then i got very drunk with will.
had a nice time rest of the time, just weak sales annoy me. had a lot of curry.

Wednesday 25 March 2009


hi s
how are you this week? i am busy working away at work, mainly stuffing envelopes and going a bit mad.
its the uk web and mini comix comic festival thing this weekend so i'm off down to london. so that should be fun. will is coming with me, going to have a nice look round 'the big smoke' too. hopefully i will sell lots of comics and that.

Thursday 19 March 2009

Thursday 12 March 2009


Hi s
Have you heard back about the interview yet? I guess it wont be for a while yet. I hope you get it.
Anything else going on?

I’ve had a week off from drawing as I did loads last week , instead I have been endlessly stapling copies of bog wizards 2, fun fun fun. I will finish the last ones tonight. I have been thinking about horror story im going to do next, its about a mad old bearded artist living in an old house. Im going to try and make it actually scary which will be very hard, but im going to give it a go.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

back cover of pasty anthology

going to mess with the colours a bit more yet....

Monday 2 March 2009

The Story of Greggs

heres the script i've wrote for my anthology entry


Not many people know this but Greggs the Bakers was actually founded by Royalty. King Henry VIII to be precise. He named it after his favourite pet, a large brown Muscovy duck.

Not much changed for Greggs for several hundred years. They did perfect the cunning art of how to get jam or cream inside their doughnuts and éclairs utilising the aid of the wisest alchemists of the day, including John Dee and Roger Bacon.

Then one day at the end of the 18th century a struggling engineer named Joshua Arkwright entered Greggs head office with a plan. It was for his revolutionary steam powered Whirling Pasty Construction Device. The Managing Director immediately saw the prospects and three years later Greggs built the world’s first factory.

Throughout Victorian times Greggs catered to the cream of society. Sherlock Holmes was a regular visitor to the Baker Street branch while his arch-nemesis Moriarty trained a tiny Sumatran poison monkey to steal him his favoured cream horns and iced fingers. It’s nimble fingers could easily reach inside the glass counters and procure the baked treats for it’s evil master.

Greggs were always at the forefront of business practice and commissioned the first ever celebrity advert, starring Raffles the Gentleman Thief.

Wanting to give something back to the community Greggs founded one of the best hospitals in London- ‘St Greggs Hospice’. At first it catered solely for the children of those maimed or killed in hot filling accidents but later widened it’s reach to all the people of the city.

In modern times Greggs has opened branches on every single high street and in every shopping centre in the UK, and has even spread abroad. By royal decree any town without a branch is known as a ‘pasty free zone’ and is shunned by all right minded people.

Greggs were also the first pasty to be served on the International Space Station and are planning a special Space Bake to be taken on any manned mission to mars. Top scientists have been working non stop to prefect a zero gravity flaky crust which will remain stable under the harsh conditions of space.

So as Greggs leads us into the bright future let’s stop to remind ourselves of the glorious history of this most famed of British Bakers. Three cheers for Greggs!