Wednesday, 4 March 2009

back cover of pasty anthology

going to mess with the colours a bit more yet....


EliandMe said...

Well I'd buy it.

rob jackson said...

i am pleased with my drawing of the cream horn.

EliandMe said...

I imagine cream horns are particularly difficult to draw too.

Right, I need to book you in for a 'craft day'. How are you fixed for next weekend on the Saturday?

rob jackson said...

i have no plans for next weekend so i will write it in my diary. are you going to get the badge machine?

EliandMe said...

Yes I will try and get the badge machine tomorrow.

rob jackson said...


rob jackson said...

while i remember, my printer has run out of ink so if you want any typing on your badges that is all neat and computery you had best do the typing at work and print it off there.

EliandMe said...

Has your mum got a membership number or card or something for the resource centre? Apparantly you need to be a member to hire the badgemaker. I could always join like, but you know, that might be complicated.

rob jackson said...

i'll ask her later. think she got it cos she was working in schools at the time, it might have run out.. i'll find out tonight anyhow

rob jackson said...

sorry s,
my mum had a membership card but its expired a year or so ago, you would have to get a new one, unless you know someone from work who has one? i hope you'll still come round saturday, we could do something else ?

EliandMe said...

Someone from work definitely has one, its just tracking that person down! My mission is to find a membership card by 3.30pm tomorrow... I'll still come on Saturday, don't worry.

rob jackson said...

cool, hope you can find the card...
see you saturday

EliandMe said...

I have a badge maker, whoop whoop. But I had to rejoin as a member which cost me £12 or something, so I could only afford 50 badges. Which is probably 40 more than we need anyways.

What time shall I come tomorrow? Please text me and remind me not to forget your wedding invite!

rob jackson said...

yay thats good going getting hold of it, 50 badges is loads as you say, we can make lots of silly ones too.
you can come whatever time you like after dinnertime, i'll do some tidying up and stuff in the morning.
i'll try and remember to text you tomorrow

EliandMe said...

Cool, well I'll have my dinner then and come up, I'll text you before I set off.

rob jackson said...

cool. see you tomorrow, i will find my coloured pens and stuff.