Thursday, 26 February 2009

Mystery Theatre 3000


rob jackson said...

now i see. you'll have to tell us how long mickeys hair is and that at the back cos ive not seen him for a while

EliandMe said...

Ok. I will take a picture of the back of his head.

Then me and you can sit down and come up with sarcy but ultimately sweet comments.

rob jackson said...

i should be free on sunday if you are, otherwise next weekend is all free, and then the weekend after that and so on. going out friday night so will probably be a bit wasted on saturday

rob jackson said...

oooh you should get eli to draw something for it too

rob jackson said...

now i am free on saturday as we are going out saturday night instead.

EliandMe said...

I am going out Friday so might be better to leave it til the following weekend?

I have your invitation to give you, I will hopefully put it through the door tonight on the way to fat club. I have just done one invitation for you, Will and Martin because it seemed silly to do Martin one all of his own.

rob jackson said...

thats cool. next weekend is fine with me.
if you knock on i'll give you your copy of bog wizards 2 so you can have a look.