Tuesday, 25 November 2008

The Victorians


EliandMe said...

This site:

has loads of victorian postcards and fonts.

rob jackson said...

thats a nice site, will have a look round once i get round to drawing ...

EliandMe said...

Grrr, I was just trying to post the horoscopes I had written by 'The Jolly Astronomer' for our fanzine but the computer lost it. They were all friendly and overly positive, I thought they were good.

rob jackson said...

thats a shame, hope you can be bothered writing them again. the jolly astronomer is a good name. i was thinking instead of 'children say the funniest things' that section should be called 'children have been known to emit the most amusing utterences due to the follies of youth' or something complicated like that.

EliandMe said...

That is genius.

rob jackson said...

this photo should of course be called 'children bring home the funniest vermin'