Wednesday 25 March 2009


hi s
how are you this week? i am busy working away at work, mainly stuffing envelopes and going a bit mad.
its the uk web and mini comix comic festival thing this weekend so i'm off down to london. so that should be fun. will is coming with me, going to have a nice look round 'the big smoke' too. hopefully i will sell lots of comics and that.


EliandMe said...

Oooh I had forgotten about London, you must be all excited and nervous. Are you all ready with your new comics/posters?

Everyone in my house has read Bog Wizards 2, Mickey said it was good, papa said it was silly but I heard him chuckling.

rob jackson said...

it is silly indeed. glad everyone liked it.

i am all ready for london, had to do my packing last night as we are going at 6 tonight as soon as i get home and have a wash. its a big rush.
i am nervous, mainly about finding the place for some reason, that is what i always worry about. i know lots of people there so should be fine, as long as the punters there have some money and are willing to give it to me.

EliandMe said...

I'm sure they will love you and that you will find it without any difficulty!

It's rubbish having to set off in a rush though, always makes me really tetchy as I am sure we have forgotten things.