Wednesday 21 January 2009

more ideas

im full of ideas me at the moment.
i like writing them here as it helps me think of them, and also not forget them.

i have thought of two bog wizarsd spin off stories. one is set in ancient japan and is an adaption of a 1920's japanese story called 'hell screen' by the bloke who did 'rashomon'. it would be good with the characters of bog wizards.

the other is that mars thing i wanted to do, do you remember that, about 3 or 4 pages long for the uk mini comix thing anthology
it is called 'under the sign of mars' and has bog wizards character going to a ye olde fayre and seeing a fortune teller in a tent who warns him that mars is in the ascendence and he will face danger. then he has to fight a giant crab, etc, till the end. it probably turns out the old fortune teller is controlling the crab, possibly a steam powered robot. in order to drum up trade.
this one needs some work yet.....

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